Alone, our stories are interesting.
Together, they are powerful.
We are students in History 305: Intro to Public History. We did the six-word memoir project in our class. We were taken with the results and we wanted to invite others on campus to share their story, too.
The six-word memoirs are a chance to say something that no one else can. To own your story, to share your experience and the ways it has shaped you.
Share your voice and help us to gather this profile of Salem State students in all of our complexity, with all of our struggles AND all of our potential.
Participate in the six-word memoir project. It is the story of your life—or a defining part of it —told in six words, no more, no less. It is what makes you you. Not a number, not a statistic. A story. It's the thing that no one else can define for you. Your voice. Your identity.
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Click on the image to read our memoirs. |
We didn't invent the Six-Word Memoir®; it's kind of a thing. These guys explain it well. There's also a great video here.
It is easy to participate. It is anonymous.
Just leave a comment below by clicking on the comment link that follows all the comments that have been submitted so far. If you want to insure your anonymity, you need to log out of your google accounts, because it defaults to your google i.d.)
Be funny. Be serious. Be profound. Be specific (as long as you remember to protect the innocent. And the guilty.) Just don't be dirty, because we don't even wanna go there.
You can even break the rules, if you are clever. Like this person:
Try. Disappointment.
Then, be on the lookout for memoirs around campus. We'll be getting them out there. If you don't see your six-word memoir amidst the comments below, never fear! They will be included in the actual displays.
Participate. It only takes six words.